Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Meditation: Sucessful Living

Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

The Law of Mind is constantly working for us by working through us. The manner in which It works is of our choosing. If we deny our convictions and principles, if we go contrary to the principles of right action, the Law reflects back to us limitation, hardship, and privation.

When we are ready to keep our attention on successful living and upon ways of integrity, diligence, patience, cooperation and interest in the needs of others, then come the manifestations that are natural issues of these qualities.

Thoughts are things. The thoughts that we entertain about ourselves or others become living realities in our lives.

If success is our desire, every self-contemplation must be open to this end result. Every thought and idea we contemplate should reflect the achievements we seek, the abilities we would develop, and the happiness we desire. These come when we give the Law the right ideas to fulfil as our experience.

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