Thursday, 14 May 2009

Friday Meditation - Release the Healing Christ


Jesus looked out from the Mind of God as his very own mind. He saw as God sees, understood as God understands, and loved as God loves. Infinitely, compassionately, healingly, without a single dissonant thought, the Master released the mighty, compassionate, healing Christ in himself and all men. Wave after wave of this radiant Light went out to the hearts and minds of men, restoring balance, poise natural rhythm of mind and body. Wave after wave of the awakend Christ-consciousness of men responded to the illimitable, all pervasive oneness of Love’s radiant energy. As rain covers the whole earth, as air fills all space, so the Master’s release of Universal Mind-power embraced and cleansed all things, people and conditions. Always he realised that it was the Father within him that did the works.


In the vast reaches of my Cosmic Consciousness of Mind and Its illimitable Power, I see, know, love and bless all things, people and races with Love’s immortal peace, harmony, blessedness and joy. There is no place or space where this Word shall not be felt. Every idea in Universal Consciousness feels the impact and impartation of this Truth and responds with joy, liberation, spiritual substance. The Supreme Being in every living creature is illuminated, glorified and the Morning Stars sing Soul’s Immortal Symphony.

Today I decide that all mankind shall be healed and blessed and that I shall be a living example of the boundless Infinite One. My Soul doth magnify the Lord and the Lord doth magnify me with All-grace, All-wisdom and Christly Healing Power.

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