Saturday, 11 July 2009

Friday Meditation with Wenda - Health is mine, here and now

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; Who forgiveth all thine inequities; who healeth all thy diseases…. – Psalm 103: 2-3

You can be healed! You can be lifted up and out of your present circumstances! It can happen to you! There is a tremendous Power available to you right here and right now.

This is the Power of God which is always present, always available, and forever waiting to be expressed.

What is the key to this Power? The key is in your choice to make a change in your thinking – and that change can be made right now!

Are things not going well? Are things in your life not working in your best interest?

Why do you think these “things” are happening to you? Can you accept the possibility that the healing of all manner of situations both physical and mental, rests in the realm of Mind? You are surrounded by Infinite Mind… and it is ready to work for you, through you, right now!

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